  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • HEY BEAUTY! i hope this video is helpful, for you guys who want to shape your eyebrow at home.
    thumbs up if you like! ;) and don't forget to subscribe to see more videos.
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Комментарии • 460

  • @hsqscarlett
    @hsqscarlett 28 дней назад +3

    Loving it! 6 years later and she's still hearting comments! Can I get a pin? ❤😊

  • @buzzywuzzy5256
    @buzzywuzzy5256 4 года назад +1909

    3 years later and she's still hearting and responding to comments, respect

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад +212

      Awwww thank you. And shout out to my assistant for always responding to you guys🌹

    • @nai1729
      @nai1729 4 года назад +88

      @@KJBeauty and ur honest too? we stan 🥺

    • @buxbledxdii7646
      @buxbledxdii7646 2 года назад +1

      @@nai1729 huh

    • @louielouie9-2e
      @louielouie9-2e 2 года назад

    • @jangkkuism
      @jangkkuism 8 месяцев назад +1

      another 3 years later nd she still is 😭

  • @KJBeauty
    @KJBeauty  8 лет назад +316

    if you guys would like to see how I fillin my eyebrows please like this comment.

    • @amormiamor4405
      @amormiamor4405 7 лет назад

      NessaBeauty Channel you have beautiful eyebrow long.my one short.thats why i have a hardtime to shape

    • @ellyheita2454
      @ellyheita2454 7 лет назад

      KJ Beauty send me your vedio

    • @kcototheyoyoyo
      @kcototheyoyoyo 6 лет назад

      KJ Beauty are those your natural lashes? If they aren’t, where do you get your lashes?

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  6 лет назад +2

      kcototheyoyoyo they are from Elf (natural)

  • @serakim8796
    @serakim8796 6 лет назад +2022

    ok but can we talk about how BOMB her lashes look?

    • @Shon9tilR
      @Shon9tilR 6 лет назад +21

      젠니최 Are they natural? If not I need the name of them.

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  6 лет назад +75

      Shon9tilR L they are from Elf (natural)

    • @nadiaphilogene6844
      @nadiaphilogene6844 6 лет назад +7

      Same shit I was thinking

    • @nour8740
      @nour8740 6 лет назад +6

      @@KJBeauty Hii!! Hope you can answer my question 😊😊..Does shaving the eyebrows help them grow thicker?? I'm trying to thicken my eyebrows a bit and was considering shaving the thin areas like the tail and upper hairs of the brows.. great video btw! ❤

    • @Shon9tilR
      @Shon9tilR 6 лет назад +4

      nour sul Apply castor oil nightly. Exfoliating them helps to.

  • @ebelyn3290
    @ebelyn3290 5 лет назад +1109

    Because all the salons are closed I gotta learn how to do my own eyebrows 😔

  • @theonly5107
    @theonly5107 7 лет назад +550

    One time I shaved off half my eyebrow off, this routine takes a lot of practice and patience.

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  7 лет назад +51

      yes , it those take patience

    • @alessandradinosanunciacao4551
      @alessandradinosanunciacao4551 6 лет назад +1

      Me too.

    • @vanessanaglovska5471
      @vanessanaglovska5471 5 лет назад +8

      Ooof is literally like not go to school if that would happen😂

    • @kitcatgaming.
      @kitcatgaming. 5 лет назад +13

      I shaved off both my eyebrows in pre-school 😭

    • @asia2063
      @asia2063 5 лет назад +12

      k i t c a t g a m i n g I DID THE SAME THING IN PRE K. my shits never fully recovered 😭

  • @SandraDee590
    @SandraDee590 4 года назад +144

    I've been maintaining my eyebrows for two years now since I've discovered your video. Perfect tutorial!

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад +5

      That's awesome! glad I helped

  • @brynrossi7765
    @brynrossi7765 4 года назад +115

    Honestly they looked rlly good even before you did them

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад +7

      Thank you 🌹

  • @SincerelyChelseaTv
    @SincerelyChelseaTv 5 лет назад +1382

    How many of y’all watching this because of the Quarantine 😩🥴

    • @Penny3131977
      @Penny3131977 4 года назад +4

      Sincerely Chelsea 🙋🏾‍♀️😩😂

    • @devanwalker6638
      @devanwalker6638 4 года назад +1


    • @alexisclark8898
      @alexisclark8898 4 года назад +1

      Me I need to get mine together hunny lol

    • @reeparie9736
      @reeparie9736 4 года назад +3

      I’m here because I refuse to pluck

    • @iluvnexxz
      @iluvnexxz 4 года назад +1


  • @ahottdarkskinn1
    @ahottdarkskinn1 5 лет назад +238

    Corona brought me here 😫

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  5 лет назад +6

      I hope you enjoy this video💜

    • @UndeadRamen
      @UndeadRamen 21 день назад

      seeing this comment four years later: don't drink and trim ANYTHING!!! EYEBROWS, RUN! YOU IN DANGER, GIRLS!

  • @devantestewart8380
    @devantestewart8380 2 года назад +4

    My barber shaped my eyebrows a couple months ago without my permission. I didn’t think I’d like it but it made such a big difference and I really like the look. So now I’m here because I want to learn to do it myself. Ppreciate you

  • @caitlinhunt4553
    @caitlinhunt4553 4 года назад +171

    Me trying to re learn how to do my eyebrows due to quarantine. I also put Vaseline on my eyebrows so the razors glides better

    • @reeparie9736
      @reeparie9736 4 года назад +6

      Did the Vaseline make the grip on your eyebrows hard?

    • @SBeeLove
      @SBeeLove 4 года назад +1

      I like !! Can’t wait to try !!

  • @twaamboshankoti3610
    @twaamboshankoti3610 6 лет назад +403

    Her eye lashes are so beautiful

  • @blackbutterfly_
    @blackbutterfly_ 5 лет назад +46

    Never Thought I would need this video , but having to be in several faces and now more than ever *sigh ... thank you sis . This RN needed you more than you’ll ever know 😊😌

  • @corineofroses
    @corineofroses 5 лет назад +38

    Kinda off topic but you have the most beautiful eyes-also, thank you for the video, really helped me out! :)

  • @rosadi1057
    @rosadi1057 2 года назад +8

    This is amazing! I've been getting my brows done professionally forever and I wanted to finally start learning how to do them myself. It ended up being so easy, thank you 💕

  • @kizzystizzzy
    @kizzystizzzy 5 лет назад +192

    my razor slipped and now half of my eyebrow is done lmaoooo. i cant even be mad but at least it looks natural when i fill the bald part in lmao

    • @MsNeshara
      @MsNeshara 5 лет назад +18

      mangO lmaoooooooo this comment just made my day, I hope it’s grown back by now

    • @useridk456
      @useridk456 4 года назад +2

      that happened to me b4🤣

    • @fashionista12rw
      @fashionista12rw 8 месяцев назад

      Well… Did it grow back 👀

  • @susanle3223
    @susanle3223 3 года назад +19

    You do this so beautifully, carefully, and smoothly! I appreciate how thoroughly and clearly you explain your process! I am so glad I saw your video- it’s the first one that came up 👍🏼! Your brows are very beautiful. Thank you, KJ Beauty! 🌺

  • @shandrekabennett4178
    @shandrekabennett4178 7 лет назад +54

    your eyebrows are beautiful & perfect thank you very much because I really needed that help with my thick messy brows.

  • @Calisonian
    @Calisonian 4 года назад +6

    This is a life saver! Even though things are opened back up I still hesitate to go to a salon right now. This is super easy and simple to follow. And pain free 😂

  • @prettybrown8672
    @prettybrown8672 5 лет назад +81

    Other than me bleeding in one spot and one eyebrow thinner than the other... I think I did pretty good 🤨

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  5 лет назад +10

      Having cosmetology in high school shows me how to do my eyebrow. I had to practice until it was right. 💜💜

  • @cutiepumpchickns414
    @cutiepumpchickns414 Год назад +4

    You helped me sooooo much! I usually go to the nail salon but I’m so broke bc I have a trip in a couple of days. I did pretty good for my first try! One eyebrow is a little thicker than the other but that also happens when I get them waxed so maybe that’s just my brows. BUT THANK YOU! No more waxing for me

  • @MelissaTimea99
    @MelissaTimea99 2 года назад +13

    I'm here because I just got an eyebrow razor and thought I could just go all willy-nilly and start shaving without learning how first, and... I cut myself. Twice. So thank you for this. I was holding the razor wrong. This is exactly what I needed!

  • @frances3098
    @frances3098 2 года назад +1

    You did a great job teaching me how to shave my eyebrows with a razor. I've plucked them over 45 years bc I was afraid of using a razor. But at 67 yrs old, I said I'm going to see if I can find a video that takes their time with such a sensitive (& dangerous if not careful) technique for razor beginners, no matter our naturity. And you knocked it out if the park Dearest! So, I'm glfeel safe giving it a try. Just in case you don't know, as a white woman, our eyebrows thin as we age, but gets thicker where we plucked. So we usually go get our faces waxed for this. But on days, when I'm in a hurry, this would be so much faster than going to the salon & waiting when there's no time. I have SUBSCRIBED to your RUclips channel for more great tips. I live makeup tutorials and look forward to seeing how you simplify it for us mature ladies as well! Thanks & good luck on your fan base!

  • @vanessanaglovska5471
    @vanessanaglovska5471 5 лет назад +131

    Bro I’m 11 the most insecure ab my eyebrows they’re SOO bad they literally are just a round thing so hairy ugly there’s literally NO ARCH at all and I ask my mom SO many times and she takes it as a joke😔

    • @SimplyTaylor14
      @SimplyTaylor14 5 лет назад +16

      xVanessax ._. It’s okay!! I’ve learned to love my no arch brows, they’re in style as dumb as that sounds, and if you own it, you’ll love them. Originality and loving what you have is the most important thing.

    • @lolmwah9948
      @lolmwah9948 5 лет назад +13

      xVanessax ._. Usually when i see people that naturally have brows with no arches they usually look so cute to me. Idk if it’s the brows that make them cuter but i’ve always thought so lol. So don’t be insecure and own it. And i think the best thing to do is keep your natural shape and don’t ruin it and over pluck so you don’t regret it later.

    • @shiningcomet
      @shiningcomet 5 лет назад +1

      xVanessax ._.
      Oh ... you remind me when I noticed for the first time that my eyebrows are looking bad and told my mother that I would like to do something about them she replayed : when you get to marry you can only fix them
      I was 14 at that time
      Got my first saloon beauty visit for those eyebrows at 20 or so

    • @shawannasykes4862
      @shawannasykes4862 4 года назад +4

      Go play outside. Eyebrows shouldn’t be a concern at 11! 😔 enjoy youth!

    • @billiejackson6903
      @billiejackson6903 4 года назад +4

      @@shawannasykes4862 if she’s struggling with them and wants to do something about it, then she should be able to if she wants to. You can still enjoy your youth and take care of your body.

  • @euagiuliana
    @euagiuliana 4 года назад +2

    Just bought today my eyebrow shaver and your video helped me understand how it works. Thank you, amazing video! ❤

  • @kenz1748
    @kenz1748 7 лет назад +71

    your eyes are so beautiful 😍

  • @ciarramorgan2664
    @ciarramorgan2664 5 лет назад +83

    i think ill just buy wigs with bangs during this pandemic; i will not destroy my eyebrows during this quarantine LOL

    • @mastercaroline23
      @mastercaroline23 4 года назад +4

      my mother in law keep wanting to see my on webcam... my eyebrows look like two obese caterpillars... LOL i am going to have to try

    • @sis-stak
      @sis-stak 4 года назад +1

      Girl,great minds think alike! I have been wearing bangs for months now! lol The only downside is that my skin is sensitive, and the bangs tend to break my forehead out a lil.#Bummer

    • @strawberryrichardson1451
      @strawberryrichardson1451 3 года назад

      @@mastercaroline23 😂😂😂

  • @pineapplezz5076
    @pineapplezz5076 6 лет назад +7

    Ugh you got the most perfect eyebrow and baby hair 😍

  • @KJBeauty
    @KJBeauty  7 лет назад


  • @sayyestolife333
    @sayyestolife333 Год назад +1

    I've had one of these for a few weeks but have been nervous to use it because I never mess with my eyebrows. Thanks for the video, I'm gonna watch it a few more times then try.

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  Год назад

      Let me know how it go? Thanks for watching ❤️

  • @chloeharris523
    @chloeharris523 3 года назад +3

    Listen I did my eyebrows while watching this video and let me just say. I’m about to save a lot of money! Thank you sis‼️💪🏿💕

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  3 года назад

      Happy this was helpful

    • @MsBellasworld
      @MsBellasworld 3 года назад

      So empowering when you learn another way to protect that pocketbook!!! I feel ya.

  • @tyyanahankins9829
    @tyyanahankins9829 3 года назад +1

    Girl them brows are soooooooo fullll like no bald spots... man you have the perfect eyebrows whish I had them 🥲

  • @Deikoka
    @Deikoka 5 лет назад +12

    It hurts me when I cut on it without a soap or some type of barrier

  • @johnaeedwards4644
    @johnaeedwards4644 5 лет назад +9

    Solute to her she got my eyebrows looking better then ever

  • @ronadajenkins758
    @ronadajenkins758 3 года назад +1

    I only like razor arch brows, it's been hard to find someone to do it, they always want to to wax or other things, I just like a small natural look, thanks for this tutorial!! I'm going to start doing it myself

  • @angiehuddleston2247
    @angiehuddleston2247 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for the video! Really helpful!
    Can I please ask a few questions?
    1.) What do you use on cotton swab to clean eyebrows? Also, after you done shaving what product to use as well?
    2.) Also, where did you get eyebrow razor?

  • @lifeasfemilyn
    @lifeasfemilyn 3 года назад

    Nah the way my eyebrows look right now after doing what you said in your videooo ?? I’ll never go back to threading my eyebrows !! Thank you

  • @dekoshastutorials8371
    @dekoshastutorials8371 7 лет назад +71

    i just brought a razor you make it look so easy but i dont want to mess up i guess im going to have to watch more videos lol

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  7 лет назад +9

      just take your time when youre doing it, and you should be fine

  • @dylang8082
    @dylang8082 3 года назад +3

    Hi! As a guy with a prominent brow, I usually like to keep it groomed. The last time I tried doing it though I was a little too close and took too much off the bottom part of an area. I've been so upset over that 😤

  • @createthebalance
    @createthebalance 4 года назад +4

    Thank you!!! My eyebrows are similar to yours and mine is in a complete mess. Where have you been all my life 😩 new subscriber

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад

      Welcome to the family & thank you for subscribing 🌹

  • @isshy88
    @isshy88 4 года назад +1

    I just found your videos & I can't thank you enough for this! My brows have been such a problem & this video is sooo helpful. 💕

  • @jaym2015
    @jaym2015 3 года назад +1

    Will she heart mines👀👀 I love her brows btw.🌺😊

  • @moluzuvr
    @moluzuvr 3 года назад +3

    Thank you! I wasn't taught to use makeup or how to shave so this helped me so much!

  • @Wasntfunny
    @Wasntfunny Год назад

    I never used these before.
    Just bought a pack at Marshall’s.
    Glad I looked up a vid for instruction first.
    I can really appreciate how cautious she is going about doing her brows.
    Stopping to really look.
    Tyvm. Good vid.
    Hopefully I won’t trim them till they pop out funny.
    Like I did to my bangs when I was a 5 y/o 😮

  • @Sacra898
    @Sacra898 3 года назад

    old RUclips best RUclips! I appreciate you went straight into the video. only thing I wish you included was how to properly hold/handle the razor! I'm gonna have to look at more videos now lol. thanks anyway

  • @DecimusEMPIRE
    @DecimusEMPIRE 4 года назад +3

    Next month I'll start to do my eyebrows 😍🙌🏾

  • @PrettyBrownRiah
    @PrettyBrownRiah 5 лет назад +3

    You did a great job explaining the steps in your tutorial! I think i wanna try arching my own eyebrows now. Keep up the good work!

  • @maribethshuman6334
    @maribethshuman6334 Год назад +1

    I just tried for the first time ever to shave and shape my brows and I killed them! 😖 The hair will have to grow back before I can fix it. I literally have to use eyebrow pencils now to fix the bald spots. But you gave an amazing beginner's tutorial for this and if I had watched this before I started I wouldn't be half bald with my brows 😂

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  Год назад +1

      Oh noo😕 it will grow back fast!!!Thank you for watching ❤️

  • @KeshaL-45
    @KeshaL-45 2 года назад +1

    Very good eyebrow tutorial. One of the best I’ve seen.

  • @dekyra1859
    @dekyra1859 7 лет назад +8

    how do you get ur eyebrows so full? 😍

  • @shiningcomet
    @shiningcomet 5 лет назад +1

    Well, your eyebrows are perfect
    What are shaping in them ? They are lined and had a regular size
    Just perfect !!

  • @johnpeggybeckett1732
    @johnpeggybeckett1732 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing this! I wonder how many women actually shaved their whole eyebrows off because they didn't know what to do with this razor (I would have been one of them, lol)

  • @brennafranklin3791
    @brennafranklin3791 3 года назад +4

    Do you have a video on how you do your lashes? You did a wonderful job on your brows!

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  3 года назад +2

      I will be making a tutorial 😀

    • @fominaya24
      @fominaya24 3 года назад

      Yes, please!

  • @reemghabayen9045
    @reemghabayen9045 4 года назад +2

    You have such pretty eyes 🥺

  • @user-wx5sx5xt7e
    @user-wx5sx5xt7e 4 года назад +1

    I love you eyebrows,but what if your eyebrows are uneven do you just go with the shape of each eyebrow?

  • @shelbyprickett7496
    @shelbyprickett7496 4 года назад +3

    Off topic but, Her lashes are fire!

  • @alyssan.3006
    @alyssan.3006 5 лет назад +21

    Girl.... i thought those were you real lashes 😂

  • @mariajjve
    @mariajjve 2 года назад

    Hello KJ Beauty I know nothing about eyebrows and I've seen hair growing out of my eyebrow's shape and i think it's the time for me to fix them. I'm 18 year old and never fixed my eyebrows before, I have short and thick eyebrows and I'm a very picky person that's why I haven't gone to any specialists. My question is should I shave them like you or thread? Or should I wait till they grow more? I would really appreciate ur help 💓

  • @selena0755
    @selena0755 4 года назад +2

    She has such pretty eyes omg

  • @Mcshanda
    @Mcshanda 5 лет назад +6

    Thank you Ive been scared to try. I'm going to try your tutorial🤗❤

  • @emilyproctor9509
    @emilyproctor9509 3 года назад +1

    Finally a good tutorial on how to use the razor

  • @iamwelll4208
    @iamwelll4208 4 года назад +1

    Girllllll I love your eyelashes and brows Okuuurrrrrrrr 😊👌

  • @Psychad3lFx6669
    @Psychad3lFx6669 2 года назад +1

    As a guy I feel like I need to do this cuz I have bushy eyebrows would it be okay to do just the top part of the brow? And leave the bottom my bottom part isn't as bad as the top or do you have to do it all?

    • @oblomovhans1659
      @oblomovhans1659 2 года назад

      Hi, also a guy, but in my case I do shave the lower part to arch only a bit and take off a few strays once in a while, as I'm lucky they are regular and not bushy and also didn't need to start between them not having a unibrow or too close set brows, so in your case it depends on your shape and which part of the eyebrow hair exceed ideal or semi ideal arch lines and outlines, so yes, depends, if the bottom part already has a good arch or just has a few strays at least compared to the top and you are okay with it you may only start at the top. You already have a reference natural arch to follow on top with just thinner hair beyond this line? Often this "excess" hair is more present near the ideal peak, in such case you may simply let it peak just beyond the outer side of your iris and then it turns down following the natural end of eyebrows.

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  2 года назад +1

      I think doing bottom (close to eyelid) should be okay for a guy. Doing the top will “pop” the brows more (unless u’re okay with that)❤️

  • @sipokazimanda9303
    @sipokazimanda9303 3 года назад +1

    It's my 40 something birthday tomorrow and for the FIRST TIME EVER I'll be shaping my brows🤣🤣

  • @chelseawilliams9679
    @chelseawilliams9679 4 года назад +3

    You have beautiful thick eyebrows😍

  • @AunnieLingLing
    @AunnieLingLing 4 года назад +2

    Wish me luck 🤣🤔 cause I'm trying this tonight 😊.

  • @netty5571
    @netty5571 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for making your eyebrows the focus point!! Your eye lashes nice as well!

  • @alexism.7712
    @alexism.7712 6 лет назад +5

    Some of the best eyelashes I've seen, it's funny I can't even tell your taking any hair off of that first eyebrow you did, nice brows tho

  • @tahjplaylists7816
    @tahjplaylists7816 6 лет назад +7

    How did you get the shape? This would be the first time I'm doing them. It looks like this is just a touch up but I just literally have a blob of hair. It don't know where the arch us. They aren't defined at all so I really couldn't follow this.

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  6 лет назад +5

      Tahjere alred this is the natural shape of my eyebrows. But I would suggest you get a professional do it for the first time so it’ll be easier to do it yourself

  • @LISALISA-hr7xh
    @LISALISA-hr7xh 4 года назад


  • @FranticFlame
    @FranticFlame 2 года назад

    Thank you for this - I can't afford a wax right now, so I picked these up for $3. First time for me.

  • @BrainsandFaith
    @BrainsandFaith 2 года назад

    Loving this totorial! You are so gorgeous, keep up the awesome work!

  • @kaylove9441
    @kaylove9441 8 лет назад +92

    Your lashes are beautiful. Are they extension?

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  8 лет назад +30

      thank you, no they are strip lashes.

    • @pmerancier
      @pmerancier 8 лет назад +20

      NessaBeauty Channel what kind of strip lashes? they look so natural.

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  8 лет назад +25

      Kay Love they're from Elf (natural)

    • @flowerqueen2749
      @flowerqueen2749 5 лет назад +5

      KJ Beauty it looks so real . Omg

  • @mrs.z1172
    @mrs.z1172 3 года назад +1

    The video I was looking for I prefer the razor instead of tweezers, I have more control, Thank you 🙏

  • @nasasimp588
    @nasasimp588 4 года назад +1

    What did she put on the cotton ball? It got cut out

  • @joycechioma2994
    @joycechioma2994 Год назад

    😂😂😂 first time shaving my eyebrows myself, it was terrible, it didn't turn out well and I don't makeup. So I decided to learn. I hope I will be better next time

  • @aemvisuals
    @aemvisuals 6 лет назад +3

    well, i've done this before and now there are growing many new hairs on spots where never was hair before

  • @TokyoMemphisMix
    @TokyoMemphisMix 8 месяцев назад

    🙏🏾🙏🏾 this is amazing!! Thank you! I wasn’t using the razor correctly

  • @kindkhine
    @kindkhine 4 года назад +1

    Just a dude here trying to learn something cause ion got no one to teach me

  • @caitlyne8791
    @caitlyne8791 4 года назад +1

    I used to use nair to clean up my eyebrows but I have switched to using an eyebrow razor (it’s faster) and as I was cleaning them up my hand slipped. I tried to even then out and now they both look a mess 🤦🏽‍♀️

  • @byrself3005
    @byrself3005 2 года назад

    i’m gonna have to start doing this b/c waxing them on my own is not working out😭hopefully this is better for me

  • @nicoleteakm
    @nicoleteakm 4 года назад +6

    oh my gosh your eyes and eyebrows are both beautiful you’re so lucky

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад

      Thank you🌹🌹

  • @rhiannnenicolemagallanes2398
    @rhiannnenicolemagallanes2398 3 года назад

    Your eyes are so pretty!!

  • @livda9786
    @livda9786 Год назад +1

    do eyebrows need to be symmetrical? i did it on both sides but they don't look the same like size 😭

    • @alaia4947
      @alaia4947 Год назад +1

      i don’t think so unless ur face is perfectly symmetrical 😭

    • @livda9786
      @livda9786 Год назад

      @@alaia4947 tysmmm !!

  • @Godschild-03
    @Godschild-03 4 года назад +1

    New sub. Wow your brows are so lush and beautiful😍

  • @nanawordie7967
    @nanawordie7967 4 года назад +1

    thank you for this vidoe but y'all please use a creme on your eyebrows while doing this so the hair removes easier

  • @odalis6138
    @odalis6138 4 года назад +3

    this helped me thank you so muchhhhh

  • @trinadeejenkins8370
    @trinadeejenkins8370 4 года назад +1

    Your eyes are so pretty

  • @dancingmestiza
    @dancingmestiza 4 года назад +1

    Your eyelashes and skin are AMAZING!!!

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад

      aww you're too nice

  • @exoticcats6119
    @exoticcats6119 2 года назад

    I heard that eyebrows don’t grow back as much as other hair. Does it get easier to groom/take care of your eyebrows as time goes on? (Even the “before” version of your eyebrows look better than mine 😅)

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  Год назад

      yes, It does get easier to keep it groomed. As it grow back, you can still see almost like an outline of the shape so it doesn’t take as long when cleaning it again.🙂

  • @andreawalker1104
    @andreawalker1104 4 года назад +1

    i’ve done everything you’ve done to
    give my eyebrow an actual
    arch but they still
    come out straight 😩😩🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

  • @jeremiascarrizales4255
    @jeremiascarrizales4255 5 лет назад +5

    Them lashes tho😍❤

  • @cocot9414
    @cocot9414 4 года назад

    What are the details for your lashes? You mentioned in another comment that they are from ELF. what's the exact name? Thank you! btw your brows are very well done.

  • @meia002
    @meia002 5 лет назад +4

    What's the brush thing you used called and where do you buy it?

  • @teepasoul3003
    @teepasoul3003 2 года назад

    Absolutely amazing 😻

  • @gabbykaur7673
    @gabbykaur7673 4 года назад

    everyone in quarantine is watching this queen show us how to do our brows

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад

      Thank you for the support 🌹

  • @CrowQueen13
    @CrowQueen13 Год назад

    Thanks girlll ❤ ur a lifesaver ❤

  • @thelifeandtimes.ofazombiegirl
    @thelifeandtimes.ofazombiegirl 4 года назад +1

    Great tips!!! Thanks girl ❤
    I used to use the eyebrow shaped wax strips that came in a box that had upper & lower strips. I always got them from Family Dollar but can't find them anywhere 😢 So I've moved on to the little shavers like you have. If anyone knows where to buy those wax strips PLEASE let me know! 😘

    • @KJBeauty
      @KJBeauty  4 года назад

      Thank you !!! 🌹Walgreens or Walmart might have what you looking for. I hope you find those wax strips.

  • @Isaiah.278
    @Isaiah.278 4 года назад +1

    Omg your face is so pretty I like your eyes gurllllll